Call for Papers

Call For Papers–Fall 2023 Issue

You Are Invited To Contribute To The American Association For The Child’s Right To Play, IPA/USA E-Journal!

The deadline for Fall 2023 submissions is August 15, 2023, but we encourage early submissions! 

We seek articles that highlight research, projects, and practice about topics pertaining to play and play behaviors in the home, in school on the playgrounds, and in the community. Manuscripts may address advocacy, culture, games, and activities. Authors are encouraged to examine the ways that children play and how playful activities benefit development.

For the Fall 2023 Issue we are particularly interested in:

  • Original theoretical and empirical research
  • Analytical, interpretive, or persuasive essays on current issues and trends relevant to play
  • Program descriptions
  • Book reviews
  • Author interviews

Guidelines for submissions:

The IPA/USA E-Journal accepts manuscripts with a base word count of 1200 -1500 words. These submissions are evaluated through a double-blind review. Thus, we ask for two separate documents during submission: 1) cover letter and 2) manuscript.

Cover letter:

  • The names of the author and coauthors should appear only on the cover sheet.
  • For each submission, include the contact information as well as a 40-word bio for every author/s.
  • Authors should provide their phone, email, address of institutional affiliation, and research interests.
  • The editors will communicate with authors about their status during the review process.


  • The IPA/USA E-Journal accepts manuscripts with a base word count of 1200-1500 words (roughly 3 pages single-spaced or 5 pages double-spaced).
  • Please add a placeholder (with a clear descriptor) where photos should be located. (Then, attach photos as separate attachments and label according to the text in the paper).
  • List of all references in APA style
  • All text should be featured in single spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman Font, and APA format.
  • Each submission should include a one-paragraph abstract of 150-175 words that describes the article as well as its significance to the study of play. 

Although copyright of articles is maintained by the authors, we ask that manuscripts have not been previously published elsewhere. Submissions should be submitted to Rachel Larimore, the IPA E Journal Editor, at [email protected] or the link below. We’ll send an acknowledgement of receipt so please check your spam folder and/or reach back out if you don’t hear from us. From there the review process may take between up to 6 weeks to complete. 

The deadline for Fall 2023 submissions is August 15, 2023, but we encourage early submissions. We hope you’ll submit a manuscript!


Please submit your paper via email by CLICKING HERE.



Dr. Rachel Larimore