IPA USA State, Regional, or Local Chapters
Are you a current member of IPA USA?
Do others in your community, region, or state believe in the child’s right to play?
Are you willing to promote the International and National Day of Play each year by hosting a PlayDay in your community or program?
Are you interested in providing others who may want to include more play in the day for child-initiated play?
Would you like quarterly zoom calls with an IPA USA Board Member to provide support?
If so, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page to express your interest and learn more.
Become a Chapter of IPA USA
IPA USA is looking for members interested in establishing an IPA USA State or Regional Chapter to focus efforts on promoting the child’s right to play at the local, regional, or state level. The chapters would assist IPA USA in organizing efforts to promote the National Day of Play and the International Day of Play and to work within your chapter to support others interested in incorporating child-initiated play into every child’s day. Outreach to individuals to increase IPA USA membership will also be a focus. IPA USA Chapters will have support through access to the PlayDay Toolkit, Policy Briefs, the IPA USA 50th Anniversary White Paper, the 200 + Porch Play Chats, Mini-Grants to fund Playdays or other advocacy efforts, and quarterly Zoom calls with an IPA USA Board Member. To be a chapter, you must have 12 current IPA USA members. Interested or have questions, fill out the form at https://ipausa.org/connect/find-your-local-representative/