IPA USA State Chapters

IPA USA is looking for individuals willing to come together at a regional or state level to support the child’s right to play.

Become a Chapter of IPA USA 

Not all support for this cause is monetary – sometimes, the most important donation you can make is your time. We are in the process of expanding this network and would love your participation. Please feel free to reach out to us through the form below with your interest and qualifications, and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

Become a Chapter of IPA USA 

IPA USA is looking for IPA USA members interested in establishing an IPA USA State or Regional Chapter to focus efforts to promote the child’s right to play at the local, regional, or state level. IPA USA Chapters would assist IPA USA in organizing efforts to promote the National Day of Play and the International Day of Play and to work within your chapter to support others interested in incorporating more play into every child’s day. Outreach to individuals to grow IPA USA membership will also be a focus. IPA USA Chapters will have support from IPA USA. In addition to the  PlayDay Toolkit  and the IPA USA 50th Anniversary White Paper, and the over 200 Porch Play Chats to assist you in these efforts as well as zoom calls with an IPA USA Board Member.

IPA USA State or Regional Chapter Job Description

  • Be an active member of IPA USA
  • Create an IPA USA State Chapter with a minimum of 12 members that represent your region or state that promote playful learning from birth through 18 yrs;
  • Meet through Zoom Conference at least quarterly with the designated IPA USA Board Member
  • Use IPA USA resources to promote playful learning across your state, including recess policy papers, policy briefs, IPA USA Guiding Principles, Vision, Mission, and Porch Play Chat podcasts;
  • Organizes at least two public events per year that demonstrates the value of play to parents, early childhood professionals, policymakers, and community leaders using the IPA USA PlayDay Toolkit
  • Report events, provide photos, and a brief write-up of each of the public events to the designated board member. 
  • Use the IPA USA 50th Anniversary White Paper to promote the child’s right to play locally, regionally, and/or statewide.

[su_button url=”https://ipausa.org/advocacy/create-a-playday/” target=”blank” style=”bubbles” background=”#17bd02″ size=”9″ center=”yes” icon=”icon: child”]What is a PlayDay?[/su_button]