To be eligible for a grant, you must be a current member of IPA USA

The USA affiliate of the International Play Association (IPA USA) is pleased to announce the availability of mini-grants of up to $300 to play practitioners in the United States. You must be a member to apply.


  • Promote play through professional development opportunities, such as conferences
  • Promote advocacy for play by providing funds for those who work for or with children
  • Work in coordination with our State Play Advocacy Chair to create local play days at community-based locations
  • Develop play-based advocacy tools to share with families


  • Eligible applicants include play practitioners who are members of IPA/USA.
  • Grants awards are open year-round and range from $50 to $300. There is no deadline to apply. Requests will be accepted or denied within 60 days of receipt.
  • Funds may only be used for the purpose(s) identified in the proposal.
  • Grant awardees must submit a final report that documents the use of funds within 30 days of the completed project.
  • Successful awards are highlighted in IPA/USA publications.
  • Grants are awarded based on need and impact.


Application requirements:

The applications should not exceed two pages in length and must include the following information in the order listed, or be submitted on this application:

  • Date of request
  • Contact information, including name, address, email, and phone number
  • Name/Title of Project
  • Description of need
  • Description of how the money will be used to address the need
  • The number of children or who will be impacted by the grant
  • How will the success of the project be assessed
  • Total project budget and the timeline for implementation


In addition to the one-page application, the following addendums (maximum two pages total) are required:

  • A short bio of the person requesting and/or implementing the project.
  • A copy of your business license, tax exemption letter, teaching credential or other documents that demonstrate your work in the field of play
  • The organization’s purpose, mission, vision, or other pertinent information about the project as appropriate.
  • Applications are accepted via email only to IPA/USA president.
  • A committee reviews all Mini-grant proposals with approval or denial provided within 60 days of receipt.