The IPA-USA Play Quiz!

Does your child have enough time to play?  Do the children in your classroom have enough time to Play?

Play is essential to the growth and development of young children. When not given the opportunities to engage in multiple forms of play daily, there can be serious effects. Neuroscience demonstrates the crucial role play has in brain development. Play has been shown to develop skills needed for school success.

Since play is vital to a child’s healthy development, the IPA USA in Partnership with the Genius of Play has created a resource to determine whether your child or the children in your program are getting enough time for self-initiated and child-chosen play.

The resource is divided into age groups. You will select the age groups that match your children’s or classroom’s ages.  As you answer the questions, carefully reflect on the moments your child has for playful interactions.  At the end of the question set, it will provide you with feedback on your child’s play opportunities.

We hope that your family will learn more about the types of play and experiences necessary for promoting growth and development in your child. For more information on play read 10 Things Every Parent Should Know About Play.

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