
IPA USA Porch Play Chats with Rusty Keeler on Risky Play

The newest Porch Play Chat with Rusty Keeler on Risky Play was released this morning on your YouTube and Facebook pages.  You can visit our YouTube and Facebook pages by clicking on the icons in the upper right corner of…

Rusty Keeler on Risk Benefit Analysis Tips to Promote Risky Play

  Exchange EveryDay had a great spotlight on Rusty Keeler’s new book, Adventures in Risky Play: What is Your Yes.   See below for some great tips on conducting a Risk-Benefit Analysis Risk-Benefit Analysis Tips September 22, 2020 – Exchange EveryDay…

National Geographic – Why your kid should be playing right now.

In this article Rebecca Renner interviews Katie Raspa, “People kind of forget that children are supposed to play,” Raspa says. “It helps them learn really critical skills like creativity, flexibility, and cooperation.” Raspa continues, ” Why kids need to play…