Registration Now Available!
Register today and reserve your seat for this Can't-miss event! The 2021 IPA Speaker Series will bring together Early Childhood Education and Play experts from around the world, delivering content both in live and on-demand formats.
The 2021 IPA USA Speaker Series will be live
Monday, October 4 - Saturday, October 9, 2021
5 PM EDT Daily
Each day we will feature a different speaker with a different learning focus. Live sessions will also have dedicated a Q & A portion. Each session will be recorded, and available for on-demand viewing for two weeks after the series. Learn more about our Speakers and their Session below!
Registration Rates & Dates
Register by September 27:
- IPA USA Member - $39
- Non-member - $89 (Registration includes one-year IPA USA membership)
Late Registration (After September 27):
- IPA USA Member - $45
- Non-member - $99 (Registration includes one-year IPA USA membership)
Register by Sept. 13 to Win!
Register by September 13 to be entered for a chance to win a FREE copy of "Adventures in Risky Play" by Rusty Keeler! (A $34 value!)
"In our role as educators and caretakers, when we allow children to play and confront risk on their own terms, we see them develop, hold their locus of control and make choices on how to navigate the bumpy terrain of a situation. What better teaching tool for life is there?"
Thank you to the 2021 Speaker Series Sponsor!
As many of our members know, Lisa Murphy and Ooey Gooey, Inc. have long been incredibly active supporters and advocates for The Child's Right to Play. In addition to being an active member of IPA USA, as well as a regular personality of Porch Play Chats, Lisa and Ooey Gooey, Inc. have ensured the 2021 Speaker Series would be possible with their support.
Already Registered? Access the 2021 Speaker Series here.