Create A Playday

A PlayDay is fun!

It is a day designed to draw attention to a range and diversity of play activities. A PlayDay will encompass everything from massive park events for thousands of children and adults to small picnics for little ones.

It is an opportunity for children, schools, early care, and education programs, individuals, families, or communities to share in physical and mental challenges without the pressure of winning or losing the game. The point of a PlayDay is to play for the sake of playing, to challenge each individual, and to share in the joy of

Play is the important element of the PlayDay. It requires little more than an imagination and can continue until everyone is too tired to move. Every play event is successful in its own way.

PlayDays can take on many dimensions depending on the other events that are scheduled. If the day is planned totally around the PlayDay a wide variety of activities can be offered for different size groups.

If the PlayDay is a part of a larger event such as a Kidfest, Art Fair, Octoberfest, Springfest, or other community event, the games and activities will vary with the flow of the crowd and the specific mix of people. It is important to keep this factor in mind when planning the games and activities and the number of available play leaders, volunteers, or referees that will be needed.