What happens when children play. A deep dive into what we don’t “see”.
Category PlayTalk
How To Build Brave and Respond to Big Behavior
An excellent read!!
Why Kids Need to Play in Nature: A Guide
Visit the website below for statistics on why forest and outdoor learning experiences are needed for healthy development. 50 ways forest and outdoor learning experiences benefit child development: Our piece covers a few essential things: Statistics on how much…
Playmakers Institute Launching in November 2021
Keeping Kids Safe Outdoors as the World and Roads Reopen
View this important safety article from BankRate Insurance
Loose Parts Play in Good Times and Bad
View this fabulous resource from IPA World on using Loose Parts! loose parts play by ipa
Play in Early Childhood: The Role of Play in Any Setting
Just released from the Developing Child at Harvard University a great resource and video on why play is so important. Check it out through this link
Membership Benefit Summer 2021 Quarterly Play Blast is in the Membership Benefits and in your Email. View the Spring 2021 Quarterly Play Blast and Join IPA USA to receive this valuable benefit.
The IPA USA Quarterly Play Blast is the IPA USA’s Board way of keeping you up to date on the organization, new events and happenings, and opportunities to become involved in our work. The Quarterly Play Blast is just one…
Great News from Illinois – Recess Bill Passed
MEDIA ALERT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 3, 2021 ILLINOIS PASSES LANDMARK RECESS BILL PROTECTING KIDS’ RIGHT TO PLAY Illinois Families for Public Schools’ Advocacy Succeeds with One of Strongest Bills in U.S. SPRINGFIELD, Illinois – Illinois students in grades…
IPA USA Town Hall “Every tool is a weapon if you hold it right”: The role of technology in the early childhood classroom and a conversation of the changes to the NAEYC Principles of Child Development.
On May 11, 2021, IPA USA hosted a Town Hall. I invite you to view the Town Hall and continue the conversation by responding to the questions within the Town Hall resources. The American Association for Promoting the Child’s Right…